We are a small education learning community on three sites in Bristol, one in Fishponds for KS3 & 4, one in Brentry for KS3 and the other in Rush Hill, Bath for KS3 & 4. Pupils who are referred to our Academy often tell us that much of their experience of school and learning has left them feeling disillusioned and negative about education. This feeling does not last long.
We strive to ensure that the personalised learning journey of all our young people provides academic success and the confidence and skills to break through personal barriers. This means our pupils develop a positive attitude to learning which enables them to achieve and grow and succeed.
Supported by a dedicated, skilful and committed staff team our young people successfully move on from St Matthias Academy back into mainstream education, to specialist education or to college. We help and guide our pupils to take the next steps that are right for them.
Aileen Morrison
1 month ago
We're recruiting for our Bath site!! Come and join us. https://t.co/vlNeEb8hup
1 month ago
Today is Safer Internet Day! Join us and @UK_SIC this #SaferInternetDay to create a better internet – RT to show your support https://t.co/74HvN6VB5V
2 months ago
Happy Chinese New Year! https://t.co/mF3SUhuL27
St Matthias Academy (East/Central)
Alexandra Park,
BS16 2BG
0117 9031320
Email the School